Give Today to Join The Movement of Hope 

100% of your tax-deductible gift goes straight to Padma's work with the leper colony.  Your gifts will enable Padma and her staff to spread tangible hope to the most needy people in India as they seek to:

  • expand the school to be able to educate ALL the children of the colony.
  • feed the children nutritious food that will help them fight off leprosy and other diseases, and grow into strong adults.
  • relieve the children of the pressure to be the family provider, and give them permission to simply be kids - to learn, create, dance, rest and play.
  • provide sandals for the crippled feet of lepers, glasses, wheel chairs and blankets for cold nights.
  • provide medical care for the wounds of the dying.  

Thank you for partnering with us.  

We believe that with your prayers and gifts, the children of this leper colony can become India's best and brightest.